The 1956 cherry-red and white Corvette staring longingly from
behind the window begs to be simultaneously polished with a soft
diaper and raced around mountain curves.
The 1956 cherry-red and white Corvette staring longingly from behind the window begs to be simultaneously polished with a soft diaper and raced around mountain curves.
One task at a time, however, is recommended.
“What do I love about cars? Everything,” said Kathryn Funari, owner of Kathryn’s Klassics. “I love driving them. I love the artistic lines – I love the power.”
Kathryn’s Klassic at 396 Fourth St. held its grand opening March 29. The sign in front of the car shop reads, “Quality Used-Cars with Distinction,” and the view inside the cozy building doesn’t disappoint.
Old Chevys sit next to new Mercedes back-dropped by oak cabinets and antique clocks. And while the showroom is far from spacious and the selection far from extensive, each car is unique and looks as if it has a story to tell.
Funari and partner Bill Gustin run the store, which is open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday and every other day by appointment. The two said they were collectors by nature and proudly displayed old, wooden furniture, antique knick-knacks and even an Amos and Andy collage set up in the showroom alongside the sparkling cars. She said if a customer can’t find what they want in stock, she’ll track it down somewhere else.
“We’ve been collecting for years,” Funari said. “We love the classic cars, but it’s not our main business. We sell more newer quality, low-mileage cars than anything.”
Funari said car dealers are usually men and it has been difficult at times to work as a female in her industry. She also said there is no other job she’d rather have.
“I love tracking down exactly what a customer wants,” she said.