Feeling it
Feeling it
I once found a valuable tool that taught me how to feel what my body is doing, and I discovered it while lying on my new hammock. I had just put it up and wanted to make sure it was level and would swing evenly. I lay down and swung it. It felt like it was swinging pretty evenly and after awhile I shut my eyes and just kept swinging it.
Soon I noticed that my head and feet were swinging unevenly. I discovered that when my eyes were shut all I experienced was what my body felt. This is a great way to self check yourself when you are working on a swing change.
When you have accomplished a change in your swing it is because your body feels it. Remember you make a swing change with mechanics but you play with feel.
When I give my students certain drills I want them to perform in order to make an improvement, I first make sure they are clear on how to do the drill, and then I want them to do it with their eyes shut to feel it working. This doesn’t happen right away. Even when I do it myself it takes me from three to ten swings before I do feel my body doing what I want it to do. But once I do I now have a feel ‘model’ to fall back on during a practice session. This is the best way to be your own golf coach unless you want to pay me to watch you every time you practice.
Have any golf related questions? From rules to club fitting you can call me at 408-846-4531 x 205 or e-mail me at sk*****@ea**********.com. If you would like to read some of my past tips, you can do so at www.pinnaclenews.com. And don’t forget, if you’re not having fun playing golf call your local PGA or LPGA instructor, we will help. Golf is more fun when you’re improving. Don’t be afraid to be good.