Hollister School District officials celebrate the opening of a new Extended Learning Opportunity Programs building at Sunnyslope School on Jan. 30. Photo: Courtesy of the Hollister School District
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Hollister School District officials and community partners held a ribbon cutting Jan. 30 for the newly opened Extended Learning Opportunity Program buildings at Sunnyslope, Calaveras and Ladd Lane Elementary Schools. 

The official ribbon cutting was at Sunnyslope, where the district held a groundbreaking just last July for the modular CUUBE buildings. The Board of Trustees had allocated $5.17 million in ELOP funding for the permanent modular buildings that will accommodate afterschool programs with the help of partners like the Youth Alliance, YMCA and San Benito County Arts Council. 

“Today is a celebration of hard work, dedication and a shared vision for the future of our students,” Dr. Colleen Myers, Director of Educational Services, said during the ceremony. 

Myers thanked trustees, staff members and community partners for their involvement. 

“When we first broke ground, we made a promise,” she said. “A promise to make spaces where learning extends beyond the classroom, where creativity is nurtured, where students have opportunities to explore possibilities. Today that promise becomes a reality. These buildings are more than just physical spaces. They’re symbols of opportunity, innovation and equity.” 

She mentioned examples for uses in the new spaces could include arts, technology, science, sports and beyond. 

“As we cut this ribbon today, we’re not only opening doors,” she said. “We’re unlocking potential. We’re setting the stage for a future where children in the Hollister School District have resources, guidance and encouragement to dream big and achieve great things.” 

Ladd Lane Assistant Principal Jeff Aguirre noted how his site’s ELOP building had opened the prior Monday. 

“They’ve been in there. They’re super excited for the new furniture,” Aguirre said of the students. “Everything is all fresh and new.” 

He said there were just under 100 Ladd Lane students taking part in the afterschool program. They are split into groups—rotating between the ELOP building, playground or multipurpose room—but they all get to explore the new space. 

“Everybody is excited to use this,” he said. 

Hollister School District Board President Kim O’Connor had the honor of cutting the ribbon. As a former teacher, O’Connor said she can appreciate the challenge for educators having to give up their classrooms at the end of the day without spaces like these. 

“It’s set up for art, for STEAM, for music, for drama, for sports,” she said of the ELOP space. “So anything and everything for an afterschool program, this will accommodate it.” 

The new buildings have expected lifespans of 100 years each and will provide just under 1,000 square feet of additional classroom space along with restrooms, storage and a data/electrical room. 

“It is wonderful,” O’Connor said. “I just love that the kids are going to have so much fun.” 

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