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September 7, 2024

Ag, food sector workers can register for Covid-19 vaccine in San Benito County

San Benito County residents who work in the agricultural and food industries can start signing up for Covid-19 vaccinations, but it might be a while before supplies are available for everyone who registers. The county’s public health services department and the Grower Shipper Association of...

Hazel Hawkins continues to seek financial solutions

Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital issued a statement Nov. 28 assuring its employees and patients that the Hollister facility’s staff and other experts engaged by the hospital are “pursuing multiple angles to resolve” its current fiscal emergency. HHMH also emphasized that the hospital remains open and...

Hollister SD will keep campuses shut down

The Hollister School District will continue teaching students via distance learning after the school board took action this week to extend campus closures until the end of the year.  The board voted 4-1 in a special meeting on Oct. 13 on a recommendation made by...

Covid-19: The waiting game

In July, a 59-year old Hollister resident and her 75-year-old husband went to a scheduled appointment at Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital for a Covid-19 test. At the time, she said they thought they were being responsible by doing the right thing only to find...

State orders San Benito to ‘stay home’ as hospitals reach capacities

The state of California has announced a regional stay-at-home order in the San Joaquin Valley region—which includes San Benito County—due to the declining availability of hospital beds that may be needed to treat the growing surge of Covid-19 patients.

Covid-19: By the numbers, 12/29

As of Dec. 29, San Benito County Public Health officials have reported 3,489 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the county. The local death count remains at 28, according to county officials.  The county’s Covid-19 dashboard shows that there are currently 497 active cases...

Public health officials rush to vaccinate older population

San Benito County Public Health Services announced that they’re working twice as fast to streamline vaccine distribution to the most vulnerable residents who are 75 years of age and older. Public Information Officer David Westrick issued a press release on Feb. 3 stating that a...

FDA approves second Covid booster dose for immunocompromised

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a second Covid-19 booster vaccine dose Tuesday for some immunocompromised people as well as all adults over the age of 50.  A second booster dose of either mRNA vaccine will be available for eligible people at least four...

County delays Covid-19 enforcement ordinance

People and businesses flouting the state’s public health order could face fines of up to $10,000 from San Benito County. The county supervisors, however, delayed implementation of the ordinance July 21, and will instead consider a modified version on Aug. 4. The supervisors voted 4-1 to...

American Rescue Plan brings ‘windfall’ to local coffers

San Benito County, the City of Hollister and other local jurisdictions are in the process of figuring out how to spend more than $20 million they expect to receive from the American Rescue Plan, a massive federal stimulus program approved earlier this year to...

