57 F
October 17, 2024

Covid-19: County announces fourth death

San Benito County officials are reporting another surge of Covid-19 cases in the county including another jump in the local death count. As of July 29, county officials reported a fourth death and 601 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the county, which is 17 more...

Uno herido en tiroteo en Hollister

Una víctima masculina fue herida de disparos desde un vehículo en movimiento la noche del Viernes, y la policía está pidiendo ayuda al público para localizar y identificar al sospechoso o sospechosos, dijo las autoridades. Alrededor de las 7:32 pm del 24 de Julio, los...

Covid-19: Los números

El número de casos de Covid-19 continúa aumentando en el condado de San Benito, incluido un recuento de muertes local que ahora es de tres, dijo oficiales del condado. Al 28 de Julio, se informaron 31 casos nuevos y ahora hay 584 casos confirmados de...

Distrito escolar continúa recogidas de comida los Lunes

El Distrito Escolar Hollister ampliará sus servicios cuando se trata de alimentar a los niños durante la difícil transición del modelo de aprendizaje a distancia. El distrito anunció el 27 de Julio en un boletín informativo que el exitoso programa Monday MealDay, que se lanzó...

Food & Drink: A ‘pour’ decision

A trio of friends were sitting around one day, toying with the idea of opening a tap room and coming up with a clever name for their brand. That’s when someone said, “Well, we all make poor decisions” and the three of them howled as...

Covid-19: County announces third death

The number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise in San Benito County including a local death count that is now at three, according to county officials. As of July 28, 31 new cases were reported, which now makes it 584 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in...

Hollister SD continues Monday meal pickups

The Hollister School District will expand its services when it comes to feeding children during the difficult transition of the distance learning model. The district announced July 27 in a newsletter that the wildly successful Monday MealDay program, which launched four months ago, will continue...

Hollister SD adopts distance learning for fall semester

The Hollister School District is now part of the growing list of districts in the region that are moving forward with a distance learning model at the start of the new school year. The Board of Trustees held a special meeting July 21 where they...

Report: Strada Verde needs buffer zone

A development proposed adjacent to Highway 25 in northern San Benito County should not be built due to its proximity to a facility that stores agricultural fumigants, a report concluded. Voters in November will consider a master plan for the 2,777-acre Strada Verde Innovation Park,...

One injured in drive-by shooting in Hollister

A male victim was injured in a drive-by shooting Friday night, and police are asking the public for help locating and identifying the suspect or suspects, according to authorities.

