Letter to the editor: To build or not to build
For many years there has been discussion about building a second public high school in Hollister, and it appears that the San Benito High School district board and administration is “getting serious” about making this happen. As I wrote before, I think their suggesting...
Letter to the editor: It’s Whack-A-Mole season
I frequently want to hug my mailperson even when I find a Strada Verde or Betabel something in my mailbox. When I find those unwanted pieces I feel like I’m playing a Whack-A-Mole game. I am referring to the game where a little mechanical...
Letter to the editor: Hollister flies the Christian flag
About 100 Hollister area residents gathered at City Hall to celebrate the raising of the Christian flag on Sunday, April 3. The flag is being flown for the month of April on the city’s Unity pole, in conjunction with the celebration of Easter on...
Letter to the editor: The political process
As I drive around town, I see an abundance of political signs for the upcoming elections, and recognizing the names it appears that there are several local offices where there are multiple candidates who are qualified, and also some very clear choices in terms...
Letter: Sign the initiative to preserve San Benito County
The problem with excess housing remains. Unlike Monopoly—where we can slide the pieces back into the box, fold the board game, lid the whole and store the box—we cannot remove large expensive houses and herd the cattle back onto grazing land. We cannot replace...
Letter: Don’t let developers win the game
A person need not be a mind reader to know what is on people’s minds. The overabundance of housing is, and it reminds me of the game of Monopoly.
For example, both occupations use paper money and wood houses. Those house builders want to make...
Letter to the editor: Opportunity of a lifetime
I was thinking a lot about this and right now Hollister and San Benito County have the opportunity of a lifetime in regards to parks, and designating land for park use. I live in the area of Park Hill and recently the city demolished...
Letter to the editor: PG&E acting on natural gas price surge
PG&E is hearing from customers that energy bills are higher than normal. We understand increases are challenging. We’re taking action and helping customers.
Natural gas prices have risen significantly, about 90% higher than last winter in PG&E’s service area and nationwide. PG&E passes through the...
Letter: San Benito landscape is not a Monopoly board
Re: Ballot drive seeks to preserve county’s farmland, Free Lance 2-4-22
When I hear the overhead grind of a single engine aircraft in the quiet sky of my area it gets my attention. I often wonder what view presents itself to the pilot of this...
Letter: Don’t Dump on San Benito County
Get to know “Don’t Dump on San Benito!” Friends and neighbors of San Benito County started a grassroots organization called “Don’t Dump on San Benito” when we learned about the proposed John Smith Road Landfill (JSRL) expansion.
Waste Connections, the landfill operator, is proposing a...