42 F
March 16, 2025

Guest view: Feds must fully fund San Justo cleanup

As I noted at the San Benito County Board meeting June 14, the discussion about San Justo Reservoir’s longstanding closure has been one of the worst broken records imaginable for local residents.  That stale melody on repeat among political entities—ranging from the county to Congress—has...

Letters to the editor: Too easy to vote?

Stop using tax funds for transit Highway improvements would not be so delayed if the unelected “directors” at the transit agencies stopped diverting highway trust funds and gas tax revenues to bankrupt-from-conception public sector transit boondoggles.  Why don’t we follow state and federal government experts, who...

Letter to the editor: Red flag laws offer gun safety band-aid

The latest episodes of gun violence seem to have tapped into a more concerted public discussion of effective strategy among gun control advocates nationwide. Measures discussed recently range from federally enforced background checks to outright bans on certain types of weapons and accessories.  Another idea...

Guest view: Water conservation is essential

The Western United States is experiencing one of the most extensive and intense droughts on record. January through April were the driest first four months in California’s recorded history, the state’s largest reservoirs are at critically low storage levels, and the state’s snowpack level...

Letter to the editor: Celebrate peace

When the elderly die, we don’t mind so much but we do mind when the young die. Cancer deaths of the young break our hearts, but war deaths of healthy young agonize us. Memorial Day reminds us of these tragedies. Yet after the marching,...

Letter to the editor: To build or not to build

For many years there has been discussion about building a second public high school in Hollister, and it appears that the San Benito High School district board and administration is “getting serious” about making this happen. As I wrote before, I think their suggesting...

Guest view: Be aware of your water

May is Water Awareness Month. It’s also the start of our irrigation season when water use starts to go up dramatically. Over 60% of residential water use is for landscape purposes in the summer.   This is especially important since we are in the grips of...

Letter to the editor: It’s Whack-A-Mole season

I frequently want to hug my mailperson even when I find a Strada Verde or Betabel something in my mailbox. When I find those unwanted pieces I feel like I’m playing a Whack-A-Mole game. I am referring to the game where a little mechanical...

Letter to the editor: Hollister flies the Christian flag

About 100 Hollister area residents gathered at City Hall to celebrate the raising of the Christian flag on Sunday, April 3. The flag is being flown for the month of April on the city’s Unity pole, in conjunction with the celebration of Easter on...

Guest view: I won’t be bullied by signs, special interests

Special interests are at it again in San Benito County. That said, I want to address the ambiguous signs that showed up throughout the county this past week with my name on them and phrases like Recall, Censure, Unethical and Shameful on them. To be clear,...

