In a Super Bowl where one point could make a difference between winning or losing, is the hospital situation any different? Could Hazel Hawkins put aside one point of difference to accomplish a winning situation in order to stay together and serve the community? Could the hospital be managed by the taxpayers to provide healthcare for the community? Could we all cooperate to accomplish a winning Super Bowl team?

For instance, when a penalty flag is thrown identifying a “Horse collar violation,” no one blames an individual player—rather they all continue to play as a team. Playing together as a team proves the only way to win.  

I am wondering if the same admonishment can apply to our hospital board and the community it serves. Perhaps the HHMH board needs to listen to the nurses and doctors, their staff, and employees, and the whole community.

At the bankruptcy hearing in Federal Court in San Jose I paid attention as the judge listened to both sides. After hearing the lawyers representing the hospital board members followed by listening to lawyers representing the nurses union plus the San Benito County Counsel, the presiding judge issued his preliminary ruling. He spoke advising both sides. He acknowledged creativity on both sides, talent on both sides, education and ability on both sides; therefore he concluded that both sides should get together and cooperatively find the solution.

I am wondering if a Super Bowl operates in this manner. Each side has devoted fans. Each side wants to win. There is no tie score.  

One side, the hospital board, prefers to sell to a new team and not worry about paying bills. The other side, the unions and the county, want to operate in a new expedited manner without selling and still be able to pay bills.  

Both sides are paid with taxpayer dollars. Therefore the judge advises cooperation. Both sides need to cooperate as if they were one single Super Bowl Team trying to win for their fans, the community.  

A Super Bowl game operates until a winner emerges. However, cooperation involves both sides winning something and both sides losing something. We taxpayers want to win a hospital.

Mary Zanger


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