Trustees unanimously endorsed Superintendent Gary McIntire's plans for Calaveras School at this week's meeting.

It was a relief to see the relatively new Hollister School District Board of Trustees reverse course on a prior snap judgment to cancel contracts with the city’s recreation program for use of gyms and fields at Rancho and Maze Middle School.

Instead of taking their decision to the extreme, as trustees did in April when they nullified the contracts, largely due to complaints about lacking upkeep by recreation users, the officials last week saw logic and re-entered negotiations with the city.

It was a wise move and puts the community on track toward maintaining  crucial, affordable programs that keep youths off the streets and enhance local residents’ fitness habits.

Trustees appeared to have learned a couple of lessons – undoubtedly after hearing it from constituents and other critics – and now want to talk out the differences.

For one, it is always best to talk out problems rather than trying to bully your way to an undesirable result.  All you have to do, after all, is pick up the phone and start a dialogue.

Perhaps the new trustees also learned that in local politics, a vocal minority almost always speaks louder than a satisfied majority. It is particularly easy for newer politicians to be swayed by a minority opposition’s emotions, tone and one-sided arguments.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the vocal minority should get its way. They have a right to be heard, but trustees are elected to consider what’s best for the entire community when making decisions. Maintaining this partnership – especially in a small city like Hollister where the impacts of such cooperative efforts are considerably amplified – is most certainly the best direction for this community.

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