50.4 F
February 23, 2025

Hollister native builds on Seabees’ 80-year legacy

Since 1942, sailors assigned to the U.S. Navy’s Construction Force have been building and fighting around the world. Petty Officer 2nd Class Adon Olivares, a Hollister native, is one of those sailors. “My grandfather served in the Army and my dad also served, so I...

Local burn visible for miles

Firefighters and support crews from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection conducted a prescribed burn in San Benito County on Sept. 27. The burn took place on private property in the Gabilan Range, west of Paicines in the McPhails Peak area, according...

Enjoy fall activities at Hollister Hills SVRA

With the arrival of fall comes a complete season of fun, safe, family friendly events at Hollister Hill State Vehicular Recreation Area. The park’s main entrance is located at 7800 Cienega Road in Hollister.  Activities at Hollister Hills scheduled for October include: - Red Sticker Ride...

Supes eliminate ‘study areas’ to restrict housing

San Benito County supervisors recently decided to restrict new housing in four geographical areas that encompass significant swaths of the county’s unincorporated agricultural, open space or vacant land. But some local residents at the last board meeting decried the move as “political theater,” while voicing...

Construction resumes at Caltrans projects in San Benito County

The construction of a new four-lane expressway adjacent to Highway 156 in San Benito County continues this week, with work taking place behind K-rail barriers south of the highway’s current alignment.  Crews in the next two weeks will proceed with roadway excavation for underground construction,...

State launches website for reproductive care

A new website is now available for anyone who is seeking reproductive care in California, the governor's office announced Sept. 13. The new abortion resource website, abortion.ca.gov, provides information regarding privacy rights, abortion steps, types of abortion, how to find emotional or financial support and...

Local Scene: Housing element, Senior health

Andrews named to Dean’s List Casey Andrews, of San Juan Bautista, has been named to Southern New Hampshire University's Summer 2022 Dean's List.  Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.5 to 3.699 for the reporting term are named to the Dean's...

Ren Faire starts this weekend

Take a step back in time and enjoy medieval pageantry, entertainment and fare at the Northern California Renaissance Faire. The revelry starts Sept. 17-18, and continues on weekends through Oct. 22-23 at Casa de Fruta in Hollister. The festival features merchandise from fine artisans and...

Hundreds join rally against Gilroy mining proposal

Hundreds of people rallied against a proposed mining project south of Gilroy in front of Santa Clara County government buildings on Sept. 10, at an event co-sponsored by 70 area organizations that advocate for human rights and environmental protection. During the rally, about 75 members...

Local arts council shares $4.75M grant for Central Coast

The San Benito County Arts Council, Arts Council for Monterey County, Arts Council Santa Cruz County, San Luis Obispo County Arts Council, Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture and the Ventura County Arts Council announced that the Central Coast Region has been...

