51.4 F
March 16, 2025

Letter to the editor: For safety’s sake, eliminate gas lines

Re: Safety First, Free Lance 9/2/22 Everyone wants to be safe. Yes, of course, safety first, especially now in this heat wave inside this drought. It seems that we have never been less safe.  So how can we be safe? According to PG&E, we can check gas...

Letter to the editor: Demand local coverage from Anthem PPO

Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital (HHMH), a special healthcare District, was forced to make the very difficult decision to end our contract with Anthem Blue Cross PPO and Anthem Medicare Advantage. This was not a decision taken lightly.  Negotiations with Anthem for an appropriate payment rate...

Letter to the editor: Bringing unity to City Hall

Being an effective leader requires someone willing to set their ego aside and work together with other members. Listening to each member and treating them equally and with respect is crucial to creating a strong and cohesive team. A true leader does not attempt...

Letters to the editor: Water warning, Measure Q

Measure gives voters a chip Re: Monopoly Board and Measure Q From the sky, San Benito County looks like a comfortable green quilt; yet some want this heavenly view to look like a Monopoly board. Let me explain.   Parcels on a Monopoly board start empty. As the...

Letter to the editor: ‘Home of Pinnacles’ moniker long overdue for San Benito County

It’s time for San Benito County to fully capitalize on Pinnacles National Park as a way to draw tourists here, open more eyes to local attractions and provide an additional spark for local businesses.  At an upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting, the county will consider...

Letters: Measure Q, energy costs, transportation taxes

Vote Yes on Measure Q On Aug. 23, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors (BOS) publicly convened. It was amazing to witness how aggressively the supervisors were pushing the Landfill Expansion process forward, openly attempting to make the decision by Election Day, to finalize...

Letter to the editor: County should deny Strada Verde project

Open letter to the San Benito County Board of Supervisors: As you know, the Strada Verde development application is back in front of you. This giant project is still perilously located next to the hazardous chemical facility on Highway 25. Strada Verde’s developers have consistently...

Letter: Leaders should practice diplomacy

Re: Remembering Aug. 6, 1945 Aug. 6, 1945, was like a day in infamy for people in Hiroshima, much like Dec. 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was for us. On that day, as a young teenager I was making milkshakes at the soda fountain in the...

Letter: Stay vigilant, informed

A cursory reading of headlines—Beer Brawl, Mine Report Released, Candidates “Pull papers”—would make our town appear as a rough and tumble frontier mining town, which we know is not the case but others think otherwise. The others I have in mind are those who want...

Letter to the editor: Many thanks to Chuck E. Cheese crew

In 1982, Chuck E. Cheese opened up their Games Division Manufacturing Facility on Shelton Drive. At that time, I was the Director of The Games Division. It was a great time in my life as I was able to hire many employees from Hollister. Their...

