100 F
September 7, 2024

Opinion: Vaccine achievement; more suffering

We, as well as all other residents have missed out on each other’s lives for 11 months.

Opinion: All suffering is equal

Business owners all over San Benito County, and in my opinion all over the state and nation, need to right now start defying shut down and lock down orders and open their businesses.

Opinion: Freedom and restrictions

It seems very convenient to issue a new wide ranging Stay At Home order one month before the new Covid-19 vaccine is supposed to be rolled out.

Opinion: Threats and promises

It's like someone got the turkey wishbone and pulled both ends wishing for business as usual. Nodes keep popping up like ducks in a carnival shooting gallery. It's time leaders faced reality: time to be creative, time to be thoughtful.

Opinion: Public needs more info on Covid-19

One of the cornerstones of our legal system and our society in general is the concept of innocent until proven guilty, but with the pandemic our leaders have switched it to guilty until proven innocent. The California Department of Public Health, in my opinion, is at or near the top of that list.

Letter: Yes on N: Separating fact from fiction

These lies are nothing new from Measure N’s opponents, who have a long track record of spreading fear and inaccurate information to keep San Benito County from making meaningful progress.

Letters: Wake up to Covid-19 reality

Your idea that “the government” somehow coddles us is absurd given the facts of how the current administration has allowed "the greatest nation on earth" to have the worst death toll of any—210,000 as of this week, in case you missed it.

Letters to the editor: End Covid-19 restrictions, ‘good old boy attitude’

It is time to speak up for our lost freedoms and personal liberties. Because as history has so clearly shown us, each tiny step matters. It is time to recognize, beware, and protest the little steps—while we still have the freedom to do so.

Letter to the editor: Join the American Solidarity Party

This election year: find a home! Neighbors, this election year, chances are that California’s electoral votes will go to Biden—simply because California is Democratic-heavy. Do you oppose this? Are you a moderate conservative? Do you think that your only (uncomfortable) recourse is to the GOP?...

Letters to the editor: Back to school, Strada Verde

Parents, you MUST ABSOLUTELY let your board members know in no uncertain terms that you want your kids in school this fall. If you don't want your child to go to school then opt for distance learning and see how far behind your child will be at the end of the next school year.

