42 F
March 15, 2025

Letter: Measure Q would rob the county of revenue

I am writing today to provide my perspective on Measure Q. Measure Q would remove almost all the commercial nodes from the county’s General Plan and force any projects which seek to rezone agricultural land for other uses to be subject to a countywide...

Letter: Sam Farr, we are so disappointed in you

Sam, without staff you are no longer able to keep facts straight, and whoever wrote the endorsement of Measure Q for you did you a great disservice. (Replying to “Opinion: Control the future of your county” from the Oct. 21 Free Lance.) First off, you—as...

Letter to the editor: Mayoral candidate has promising ideas

I love Hollister. I have always loved my hometown. I have been blessed to live where I was born. There are so many awesome folks living here.  Whether you're new or old to the community, we all call this home.  I have been volunteering lately...

Letter: Don’t let developers decide on growth

As a supporter of “Yes on Measure Q,” I get upset when I read the unsupported claims that the opponents of measure Q are using to promote their cause.  This raises the question, what is their cause and why are they willing to go to...

Letter: Measure would deprive county of Strada Verde revenue

I am writing to provide some perspective on what San Benito can expect if Measure R passes.  This measure is aimed at killing the Strada Verde Innovation Center, which has been under consideration as a source of economic development, revenues and jobs for San Benito...

Letter to the editor: Vote for a better future for San Benito County

I was recently astounded and disturbed when I received a mailer opposing Measure Q that proclaimed local Democrats opposed Measure Q. It called Measure Q a “privileged power grab” and made other groundless statements related to Latinos and farmers.  Firstly, the initiative process has been...

Letter: Undisclosed money infiltrates measure election

PORC has used questionable campaign tactics before, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise to local voters that PORC is skirting state campaign finance laws to pass their deceptive Measure Q. I want to know, who's really behind all their outside money? It is a...

Letter: Misleading campaign information

We’ve been receiving lots of mailers against Measure Q that contain incorrect statements of its fiscal impact for San Benito County. The local Democratic Party says it would cause the county to lose $6.56 million annually “through 2035;” the No on Q campaign claims...

Opinion: Control the future of your county

Measure Q gives San Benito voters the power to stop outside developers from ruining your county. I’ve seen many rural counties get run over by developers who convince local government officials to change their zoning: The developers come in, build, sell and take their...

Letter: Everyone is lying about gas prices

Somebody is not telling the truth? I am sure that almost everyone who lives in Hollister noticed that over last weekend beginning on Sept. 29 and going through Tuesday Oct. 4, gas prices went up on average 35 cents and as much as $1...

