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March 16, 2025

Letter to the editor: Many thanks to Chuck E. Cheese crew

In 1982, Chuck E. Cheese opened up their Games Division Manufacturing Facility on Shelton Drive. At that time, I was the Director of The Games Division. It was a great time in my life as I was able to hire many employees from Hollister. Their...

Opinion: Letter falsely stated supervisor’s position

Karl Broussard's Letter to the Editor in the July 29 Free Lance is grossly inaccurate in its initial premise that myself, as well as three of the other Supervisors, have already made a decision on the Landfill Expansion project that we will be considering...

Letter to the editor: Landfill expansion would serve other counties

Supervisor Bob Tiffany snarled, “It disgusts me that this will go before the voters” then growled “I certainly am going to be working very diligently to try to ensure that this initiative does not pass in November.” You would hope an elected supervisor would...

Letter to the editor: Bring back driver’s education

I don’t know if Hollister is worse or better than other parts of the country, but one thing is for sure, we need serious improvement. The sheer volume of people failing to stop at stop signs, not slowing down for pedestrians, and in general...

Letter to the editor: The cost of safety

Re: Kids on parade Still it gives me pause to worry and remember that children died in Highland Park at an Independence Day parade and in Uvalde in their own classroom. I’m sure this was in the mind of every parent on that July 4...

Guest view: Regional Park is a sign of progress

San Benito County supervisors have tackled many profound challenges in the past year and a half since I joined the board with other first-term colleagues.  Some of those immense undertakings include boldly responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, assisting businesses and nonprofits through the pandemic with...

Guest view: Conserve water, all the time

California’s severe drought continues, and mandatory water conservation measures are in place. These climate conditions, along with our limited long-term water supplies, mean it is in our best interest to use water as efficiently as possible. Not just when we’re in drought, but ALWAYS! On...

Letter to the editor: Thanks, San Benito County voters!

On behalf of 80-plus volunteers from our grassroots group, Campaign to Protect San Benito, we’d like to send a huge “THANK YOU!” to the voters of San Benito County. With your help, we were able to collect 4,092 petition signatures and put our citizens’...

Letter to the editor: Build Hollister ‘in’

Re: Officials certify initiative petition, Free Lance 6/17/22 Debate happens when both sides are convinced they have learned from the past. The signature gatherers are deeply motivated by the rapid housing growth impacting our roads, traffic and water. The oppositional side is concerned about needed...

Letter to the editor: Everyone gets a gold star

As someone who is old enough to have gone to elementary school in the 60s and early 70s, and junior and senior high school in the 70s, I remember teachers passing out gold stars. I remember trophies being awarded for WINNING athletic competitions, pinewood...

