Letter: Some kids more informed than parents
On reading the letter from Randy Logue in the Opinion section of the Feb. 4 Free Lance, the irony of his letter and its position against 12-year-olds being capable of making sound healthcare decisions is remarkable.
The inaccuracies and astoundingly poor reasoning exhibited in the...
Letter: 12-year-olds in control?
I saw on an internet news post that California was considering allowing 12-year-olds to take the Covid vaccine without their parents’ permission. I thought, even in California this couldn’t possibly be true, then I saw it in the paper and spoke to several people...
Letter: Remember the lessons of the pandemic
Re: California & Dan Walters 1/21 & 1/28/ 22
It seems that Dan Walters answers his own question. The voters have spoken. I think that is what democracy is about!
Thinking that the voters may not want undocumented workers to benefit from free healthcare, this writer...
Letter: Local Democrats create youth position
The San Benito County Democratic Central Committee (which represents registered Democrats throughout the county) has created a position for a youth member—someone between the ages of 16 and 25.
This step has been taken because young people have an interest in the direction and future of...
Letter: In with the new…
Re: Out with the old, Free Lance 1/14/22
Not everything old is an old Christmas tree, but what a good idea it is to get rid of everything old. For instance, just because we enjoyed a couple of downpours in December we can forget about...
Letter: Bell signifies California’s history
Interesting how two people can look at the same object and come away with different meanings, like Naka Elelleh sees the Mission Bell road marker as oppressing natives (“These bells don’t jingle,” Dec. 31) while another like me sees the beginning layers of California...
Letter: Inaction on transportation problems is deadly
Whenever I read about another fatal crossover collision I remember giving the eulogy for Morgan Hill’s Janet Graham at her church. The San Benito County Health Nurse was killed in one of these on Hwy. 25 before COG “leaders” decided to install center dividers.
Letter to the editor: City Council scrooges easily forget
Re: Council questions ARPA priorities. 12/10/21
How easily we forget! How easily we miss opportunities! I am severely saddened over our hard working city employees who continue to work hard with a noble disregard of how they are treated. No one should be treated as...
Letter: Stay joyful this holiday season
During this holiday season I have observed that many people have allowed the whole Covid virus, and mostly the response to the virus, to steal their joy. In whatever form you choose to celebrate the holiday season you most certainly have the right to...
Letter: Support peace in recognition of veterans
The photo (from the Nov. 19 edition of the Hollister Free Lance) of the hug given to Vietnam veteran Anthony Gutierrez on Veteran’s Day celebration on Nov.11 visibly conveyed a gesture of deep gratitude. We do not want to forget veterans but why do...