Letter: Cold War thinking is now outdated
Re: Veterans of Cold War, Free Lance 11/10/23
Sightless only able to see the bones in his legs followed by an explosion of reds, purples and greens, then a violent buffet by a windless powerful mystery happening 68 years ago severely embedded in the mind...
Letter: Board finds the golden egg
Some think that a goose that lays a golden egg actually exists. Others realize that that fairy tale delights children. However adults are supposed to know better—but do we?
Some seem to think that our precious space in San Benito County should make a profit...
Letter: Retired teachers bring continued value to local communities
What do retired teachers mean to the Hollister, Gilroy, San Martin and Morgan Hill communities? A lot. After years, sometimes decades in the classroom giving back to their students, retired teachers continue to give back to local communities through their pocketbooks and their passion...
Letter: Council is stuck ‘back in time’
Allow me to rearrange your headlines (from the Oct. 20 Free Lance). “Back in time,” needs to move to the right and next to the Sword Swallower. Back in time appropriately describes the actions of the city council. The photo of the parade of...
Letter: Running for reelection
Serving as a San Benito County supervisor for the past two years and nine months has been an extraordinary honor, and I will enthusiastically pursue a second term on the board in the March 2024 election to continue leading our community as a representative...
Letter: Hazel Hawkins buyer needs ‘skin in the game’
Re: Board still in talks with potential partners, Free Lance, Oct. 6, 2023
Looks like “Bargain hunting now.” Where were these potential partners before the bankruptcy declaration? Imagine that! Before there were none; now three parties are interested: American Advanced Management, Salinas Valley Memorial and...
Letter: Expand for locals only
I would very much appreciate knowing why the San Benito County Board of Supervisors is in favor of accepting OUT OF COUNTY trash and why the Hollister City Council is in favor of allowing OUT OF CITY sewage.
I’m fairly certain if either or both...
Letter: Integrity on the line at Hazel Hawkins
The views expressed in this piece are solely my own, informed by a substantial 38-year career in healthcare finance.
Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital currently faces significant financial challenges, seen by many as some of its most daunting periods. It is crucial for the administration to...
Letter: Health insurance vs. healthcare
Re: Nurses point to “red flags” about potential buyer
I think about the well known saying and wish to use it here: A dog can bark up the wrong tree by not seeing the offensive cat skitter across a branch onto a fence and safety....
Letter: Why isn’t San Benito the Home of the Pinnacles?
There are over 3,000 counties in the United States. There are 63 national parks.
Counties throughout the state of California, and the nation at large, would love to have a national park in their backyard. Pinnacles National Park is probably the most under-utilized aspect of...