Letter: Keep the hospital open for everyone
What really matters to the San Benito Health Care District Board is money. This board wants to sell our healthcare. The true picture looks back at the founding of our hospital.
Because of love for a granddaughter few if any hospitals could rest on this...
Letter: Choose JPA to ensure hospital’s success
Imagine the hospital board like coaches on an Olympic Team that already has won gold medals. Unbelievably, these coaches are selling out. They lost faith in their team even though the team has won gold!
This hospital team has accomplished a $15 million profit last...
Editorial: Tik Tok, misogyny and the presidential election
The selection of a Bay Area native as presidential nominee of one of the major parties bears watching here in the bear flag state. If successful, she would not only be America’s first female president and the first one of South Asian heritage—she would...
Letter: Save the hospital and keep it public
There is no more important issue for San Benito County residents than keeping Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital public with local control.
Our community cannot afford the massive, unnecessary risk proposed by the San Benito Health Care District—on the November ballot—to eventually sell Hazel Hawkins to...
Letter: Officials show contempt for Hollister firefighters
A political controversy has been swirling around the Hollister fire contract and triggering of a termination clause in the contract between Hollister, the County and San Juan Bautista. Two elected officials are at the center of this political drama.
Supervisor Kollin Kosmicki and Hollister Councilmember...
Letter: Stunned, confused
Just a few days ago my mailbox spilled the usual handful of print items, one of which showed a great deal of promise, I thought. Since I had been attending many Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital (HHMH) board meetings plus community meetings among interested individuals,...
Letter: Protect the fruit, slow the growth
Sunday, June 23 dawned another glorious day in San Benito County.
In the south, the Saddle Horse Show (a LEGACY of the wide-open ranches of historical times) was gearing up for its annual display of traditional horsemanship. To the north, tree branches were bending under...
Letter: Making energy safer and more affordable
At PG&E, we recognize that like many goods and services, energy prices are increasing. Those increases are helping build a safe, reliable and clean energy system to protect you and your family and meet the future energy needs of this community.
For example, in the South Bay and Central Coast region, we’ve...
Letter: Thank you for saving us from Big Oil
With the 10-year anniversary of Measure J’s victory fast approaching, I write this letter to acknowledge a debt of gratitude to all of those who stood up against Big Oil.
I owe an especially large debt of gratitude to all of the former members of...
Letter: Hollister council plays politics with fire contract
It’s important to clarify misinformation about the City of Hollister suddenly giving notice to terminate fire service contracts with the county and San Juan Bautista. Here are the facts:
Above all, the City of Hollister presented the current contract to the county and San Juan...