54.8 F
January 4, 2025

Community Board: Basketball Jones founder left impact on thousands

How many people can say they positively affected thousands of children in their lives? Gene Cotter was among the very few in that prestigious club.

Community Board: City council uses sensible approach on marijuana

Hollister City Council members are taking a fair, practical, modern approach to the future of cannabis in this community.

Community Board: City council uses sensible approach on marijuana

But the Hollister City Council must take a hard look at putting in restrictions to bar dispensaries from downtown, other areas where children congregate.

Community Board: Voters signal distrust with Measure P result

Voters in the June election signaled a lingering lack of trust when it comes to public officials’ use of tax money.

Community Board: Trust lost for yet another SBHS bond

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Community Insight Board: Reasons to back 400 block sale

Most Community Insight Board members agreed that the Hollister City Council made the right decision by supporting a sale of the 400 block property downtown to allow for development of condos, retail space and a new Community Foundation for San Benito County building.

Community Board: Road tax support could backfire on city, county

Local support surrounding the Measure P roads tax idea has been stronger than that of any other recent ballot measure, and for good reason, but an all-in mentality from the public might come back to haunt other public entities with their hands out in November for more tax increases.

Community Board: Local pool talks sink

Nearly a year has gone by since the cancellation of the city’s summer swim program at San Benito High School due to concerns over the pool infrastructure. And another year has gone by without any serious talks on putting together a viable plan to develop a new one or an aquatics center.

Community Board: Chambless has airport flying sky high

Mike Chambless wears a lot of hats for the city. In his role as airport director, Chambless has been a shining star while overseeing several important projects.

Community Board: Roads tax needed, for essential repairs

San Benito County’s roads, both highways and local streets, are in terrible shape. It’s most definitely worth an investment from taxpayers to support a half-cent sales tax, as proposed by the Council of San Benito County Governments, to fund more than $200 million in repairs.

