41.5 F
February 10, 2025

Local Scene: Highway 156, Free Comic Book Day

Work resumes on Highway 156 Construction on the Highway 156 Corridor Improvement Project continues with a focus on earth removal over the next several weeks, according to a press release from Caltrans. Crews will accelerate efforts to excavate the Union Road Hill and plan to move...

County honors Erickson for 40 years of volunteerism

Longtime local resident Ruth Erickson was recently honored for 40 years of volunteering for the Friends of the San Benito County Free Library.  Erickson became president of the local organization in 1983, and since then has tirelessly volunteered her efforts to successfully build the organization’s...

Local Scene: Elks donate nearly $100K; highway construction resumes

Elks donate almost $100K The Hollister Elks Club No. 1436 recently submitted its annual charitable giving report to the National Elks headquarters, showing a grand total of $93,755 in donations for 2022, according to a press release.  “This is an impressive contribution from a club mainly...

Local Scene: ‘Rock of Ages’ at Hollister High; Summit for Planet Earth

Hollister High drama club presents ‘Rock of Ages’ The Hollister High School Drama Department will present “Rock of Ages: Teen Edition” on stage for five nights and one matinee in April.  Shows are scheduled at Hollister High School auditorium, 1220 Monterey Street, at 7pm April 12,...

Local Scene: Clean CA art show opens April 1

Clean CA art show opens April 1 The San Benito County Arts Council, Caltrans and the cities of Hollister and San Juan Bautista will host the Clean California Art Show opening party from 6-7:30pm April 1 at the Art Depot in downtown Hollister.  The exhibition includes...

Jennifer Laine honored as Assembly District 29 Woman of the Year

Hollister resident Jennifer Laine—who has had a lifelong passion for art and creativity and dedicated her career to arts advocacy—was honored this week as the 2023 Woman of the Year for the 29th Assembly District.  Assemblymember Robert Rivas, who represents District 29, announced the recognition...

Local Scene: Easter festivities, Blessing of the Bikes

Easter festivities Gateway Hollister Church will host a free Easter egg hunt and family-friendly festivities at Cerra Vista Elementary School on April 8. The event starts at 12pm and goes to 3pm, and is free for everyone in the Hollister community.  Festivities include not only an...

Kayla Salazar wins $25K scholarship

Hollister High senior Kayla Salazar was recently chosen as a 2023 Girls Inc. National Scholar for her efforts to encourage and empower her peers to be “strong, smart and bold,” says a press release.  Salazar is one of only three recipients in the U.S. and...

Local Scene: Women’s History Movie Night

Blair named to Dean’s List DeAngelo E. Blair, of Hollister, was named to first honors on the Clark University Dean's List. This selection marks “outstanding academic achievement” during the Fall 2022 semester, says a press release from the university. Students must have a GPA of 3.8...

Local Scene: New chair, vice chair appointed for COG board

Hartenstein named to Dean’s List Emerson College student Lily Hartenstein, of Aromas, earned Dean's List honors for the Fall 2022 Semester. The requirement to make the Dean's List is a grade point average of 3.7 or higher for that semester. Hartenstein is majoring in Journalism and...

