64 F
March 11, 2025

California has key role in agriculture issues

Sonny Perdue is a veterinarian, and a former governor of Georgia. He also is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. He spent one day in the nation’s biggest agricultural state last week—California—presumably to show that the Trump Administration cares about and understands our state’s critical...

Resist the parade nonsense

Showy military displays go back millennia, to ancient Egypt and Greece and beyond. Yet, the U.S. has no consistent tradition of big military parades, especially since the Second World War. Why is that? Ask any senior officer. She or he will explain that it’s because...

Building a brilliant business community

The San Benito Business Council this week announced its support of the 2017-2022 San Benito County Comprehensive Economic Development strategy. Here is that strategy’s Executive Summary. How do we build on our strengths and maximize our opportunities? How do we reach out to others who...

When will Dabo resign?

News this week that the new state election reform law is requiring that the date of the election of San Benito County’s Board of Education trustees be moved from June to November is a mixed blessing for county voters. On the plus side, the change...

Businesses are in middle of potential ICE squeeze

The stories began flying last week: Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents would raid businesses across California and deport undocumented workers. As of this newspaper’s press time, the raids had not started, but the specter remains. Heightened anxiety about federal immigration policies has already intensified...

Take anti-flu precautions

The flu has turned deadly in San Benito County. Two San Benito County residents have died due from an influenza virus, health officials reported this week. Many are suffering flu symptoms, and some of these infections are one of the influenza viruses. Feel like you’ve been...

Editorial: Scams Target Retirees

A new year brings new goals, new challenges, and unfortunately for many of our older citizens, new opportunities to be taken advantage of, fleeced, scammed, and robbed by gentle-voiced “financial counselors.” As the Baby Boomers enter retirement, a special category of predators sees a potential...

Why should we care?

Why should we care? Why should we care about any further investigation of the money that disappeared from the Tony and Barbara Matulich Charitable Trust? After all, the farming couple that established the trust died in 2002 and 2012. It wasn’t like the money...

Dabo departure is long overdue

Mitchell Dabo is leaving the San Benito County Board of Education. At least he said three weeks ago that he would. The sooner the better. He could have announced his plans to resign when he told us last week that he would not seek to...

The Green Rush

The tables were filled with cannabis-infused edibles, from granola chunks to dark chocolate bites. A nearby booth had flavored cannabis milk dished out in small plastic cups, the enthusiastic pitchman warning of the potency of the blackberry-scented drink. Then there were the topicals—thick lotions...

