Letter: Denial is deadly
Re: Opinion Page Cartoon, Free Lance, July 14
The Joe Heller cartoon on my favorite Free Lance page concerning a complex issue enlightened and entertained me. In one cartoon, it contained a whole strip explaining an issue difficult to understand. Beginning with: “It’s the hottest...
Letter: Hospital board has full confidence in CEO
Over the last few weeks, a small but vocal group in our community has continued to call into question the performance and legitimacy of the District’s interim CEO, Mary Casillas. Let me assure you that the San Benito Health Care District Board fully supports...
Letter: Shameful spending
In the words of Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer, “Fix the damn roads!” And this is directed to the COUNTY.
By no means should the COUNTY ever rely on any input from the CITY in this regard, considering the absolutely disgusting revisions to the streets of...
Letter: The next age of water
The California Water Plan is the state’s strategic roadmap for managing the state’s precious water resources equitably and sustainably. First developed in 1957, it has been continually updated to tackle the evolving issues and challenges of the day.
The latest update, expected mid-2024, will highlight sustainable water...
Letter: More open space, less need for sewer
Hot/cold, run/walk, up/down, fast/slow, like these opposites the Free Lance front page (June 30) displayed two stories each one opposite to the other. I am wondering what readers think and how they respond.
One story, a true bottom report, documented, “Hollister OKs more housing hookups...
Letter: We must ensure equality for online charter school students
As a parent advocate for quality education and equitable opportunities, I firmly believe that all students, regardless of their educational setting, deserve equal access to resources and support. In California, online charter school students have been a growing population, and it is imperative that...
Letter: Magnificent people of Hollister
Clearly, we are all living in a stressful, difficult time. It is alarming that according to the Public Health Department, every year the number of mental health cases are growing.
This is not surprising because we experience the constant stress of prices going up, while...
Letter: Hospital should disclose details of expenses
Open letter to Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital Interim CEO Mary Casillas:
You are interim chief executive officer of the San Benito Health Care District, also known as Hazel Hawkins Hospital. It is a public entity, not your private company to spend funds without having to...
Letter: Endless regulations kill economic development
Public comment on the San Benito County Draft Economic Development Strategy:
Thank you for inviting members of the public to comment on the SBCEDC's Draft Economic Development Strategy.
Identity: I have represented small and very small business owners before state and federal courts and agencies on...
Letter: Water conservation is a way of life
The rain and snow this year really helped our water supply and ended our local water restrictions, BUT…
Groundwater: When California's reservoirs decline, many cities and farmers turn to another water source: vast aquifers underground.
In drought years, groundwater supplies up to 60% of California's water....