Letter: Mayor is the one who is misled
Re: Free Lance 8/18/23
I am trying to understand the mayor of Hollister. This regards the reporter's interview with Council member Resendiz and Mayor Casey. With a great deal of concentration I am considering the facts. It seems that what is said reveals the authentic...
Letter: Don’t blame unions for hospital’s dilemma
As a retired Registered Nurse (R.N.), I read with great dismay the letter to the Free Lance by Louis Wilmington dated Aug. 11.
Wilmington stated that the financial crisis at Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital can be “traced back nearly two decades of questionable management and...
Guest view: Water softeners, a hard problem
Water softeners reduce the “hardness” of the water in your household, which can have several benefits for consumers. Less soap and detergents are needed for laundry and cleaning. There is less staining, spotting and scaling on appliances. Clothes last longer and there are energy...
Letter: Difficult to imagine…
Re: Fire on the hill, Free Lance 8/11/23
“Fire on the hill,” headlines partnered with the front page photo of a firefighter pummeling a blaze gripped my attention, as I had just watched a TV news program showing that Lahaina in Hawaii had been destroyed...
Guest view: New program offers air, ground ambulance rides for local households
One of the more encouraging recent announcements at a San Benito County Board meeting happened Aug. 8 when supervisors learned about a new partnership to provide local residents the option to buy annual memberships for air and ground ambulance needs if they arise.
Of course,...
Letter: Hospital’s problems date back decades
The perspective I am about to share is purely my own, yet it is rooted in decades of personal and professional investment in Hollister.
As a lifelong resident, this town has been the backdrop to my family’s milestones—from the joyous birth of my children to...
Letter: Hospital leadership’s claims fall short
While I appreciate whenever an elected official takes the time to communicate with the public, especially of our San Benito Health Care District, the public should take offense at the letter from board president Jeri Hernandez, recently published (July 14) by the Hollister Free...
Letter: Denial is deadly
Re: Opinion Page Cartoon, Free Lance, July 14
The Joe Heller cartoon on my favorite Free Lance page concerning a complex issue enlightened and entertained me. In one cartoon, it contained a whole strip explaining an issue difficult to understand. Beginning with: “It’s the hottest...
Letter: Hospital board has full confidence in CEO
Over the last few weeks, a small but vocal group in our community has continued to call into question the performance and legitimacy of the District’s interim CEO, Mary Casillas. Let me assure you that the San Benito Health Care District Board fully supports...
Guest view: Fine hike for illegal dumping is a long time coming
The San Benito County Board of Supervisors at the latest meeting initiated efforts to significantly strengthen the county’s illegal dumping ordinance to deter those activities.
Supervisor Dom Zanger and I had requested this formal consideration, and I have been pushing for more action with regard...