Community Board: Early last call pours money down drain
Hollister officials’ decision to halt alcohol sales at midnight in the biker-rally area was a misguided, snap judgment and cost business owners significant revenue.
Community Board: Agencies ought to move now on solar project
There never really was a doubt that San Benito County supervisors would support the Panoche Valley Solar Project, a 247-megawatt effort set to result in an estimated 500 construction jobs locally and even more over the long term. It’s less clear, though, how four state and federal agencies might rule on the project opposed by an array of big environmental groups and neighbors of the site.
Community Board: County sales tax idea rings true
All too often in San Benito County, local government leaders have tried to push property or parcel taxes to fund initiatives or deficits caused by irresponsible budgeting. An example was the Hollister School District’s failed 2011 attempt to pass a $96 parcel tax at the depths of its financial problems, with the special election costing local taxpayers close to $150,000.
Community Board: Logic goes up in smoke with fee idea
An attempt to charge additional “Rescue Fees” when residents need help from the Hollister Fire Department should go up in flames. It is nothing more than a cruel money grab and could do serious harm to families throughout the community.
Community Insight: Healthy, positive change in San Benito County
The new Healthy Checkout Lane at Hollister Super, Gavilan district elections, talk of road repairs and Bolado Park upgrades are all signs of progress in the county.
Community Insight: What’s going on at San Justo Reservoir?
With all the talk lately about water cuts due to the ongoing drought in California, it begs the question about a local resource that is being left untapped. What is going on at San Justo Reservoir?
Community Insight: No winners in Scagliotti saga
There were no winners in the 11-year civil saga between former Supervisor Richard Scagliotti and the self-titled “Los Valientes” group of petitioners who filed the lawsuit.
Community Insight: Art improves downtown image
Hollister officials are taking big steps to promote and allow public art in a community that sorely lacked it.
Community Insight: Tree law lacks green focus
It’s nice to imagine that county supervisors took an environmentally friendly approach to regulating the treatment of trees when they recently approved a strict ordinance on the matter. That is not the case, however, as the new rules are not meant to protect the environment’s health.
Community Insight: Anzar migration deserves more attention
Anzar High School has displayed enormous success as it pertains to students going to college. Like any other school environment, though, it isn’t free of challenges.